Monday, October 3, 2016

Voter Distributions

The particular article that I chose for this week’s discussion is one that requires a lot of spatial analysis. Immediately when I found the website that came from the NY Times it was clear how much it was related to Geography and how it is critical to understanding the upcoming election. There is a series of maps using a various number of different techniques that convey different variables that contribute to the distribution of voting in Ohio.  A proportional symbol map was used to show how both Republicans and Democrats voted in respect to the candidates inside there own parties.

I really enjoyed reading about how college education and the population of an area are directly related to how an area votes. The counties were broken down and analyzed individually. I found it interesting that John Kasich is doing so well, to be honest I had not been hearing a lot about Kasich and up until seeing all these proportion maps I wasn’t aware he was doing so well. The areas that favored Barrack Obama in the 2008 election tended to side similarly with Clinton. In high population centers such as Cleveland and Columbus the vote clearly went Democratic, as we know areas of high poverty tend to go to the Democrats. This site was very informative and with just a little critical thinking they were very helpful in understanding how and why the voting is the way it is in Ohio.

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