Thursday, November 3, 2016

Polls Widen, Clinton Attempts to Rebound

Polls are obviously just polls, but their importance to how candidates campaign cannot be stressed enough. The Trump campaign has spent a lot of time in Ohio recently, and coincidentally, he has seen a bump in the polls in Ohio. Hillary, not so much, but she is pulling out all the stops now. From artist Jay-Z, to Reverend Jesse Jackson, to Hollywood star Mellie Grant, and President Obama; they are putting a vast amount of their resources into Ohio at the moment. The Trump campaign has one of his sons there currently, and his schedule has openings, but it is unclear how much time he will spend there through Tuesday to combat the Clinton Campaigns efforts to reclaim Ohio.

Ohio may be leaning Trump, but this fall has been a very close back and forth. Really, at this point, it is looking like every day, every event, and every bit of news on both of the candidates could send the votes one way or the other. 

Meanwhile, the Republicans still have the senate race locked up, like they have since mid July.


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