Sunday, November 13, 2016

Ohio Election Results 2016

Well the 2016 election is finally over, after a year and a half of campaigning. Donald Trump won Ohio and its 18 electoral votes. Donald Trump received 52% of the vote and Hilary Clinton got 44%. The Presidential race did not turn out the way that many people thought it would. When looking at a county level map of Ohio, Hilary only won 7 counties and yet received 44% of the vote, this is clearly due to the large population centers that are near Cincinnati, Columbus and Cleveland. Trump won in Ohio by 8.5%, a margian that was larger even than polls that came from the Trump administration. Trump won Ohio by getting the vote of the rural areas, and the areas that have many frustrated layed off union workers. Trump won by appealing to the emotions on sensitive topics, and the slogan "Make America Great Again" really took hold in Ohio. I am interested to see what the next four years bring, much of his campaign I heavily agree with, though I am very reserved on if I think he can do any of it or not.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Ohio Election Results

Well, Donald Trump is President. Didn't see that one coming. However, Ohio went as expected.

For the Presidential race, I thought it would be closer, but Donald Trump did win. Trump won over 52% of the votes, Hillary won about 43.5%, with the other 4.5% or so going to the third party candidates.

The Senate race went as expected, with the Republican incumbent Rob Portman winning in a landslide over the Democrat Ted Strickland.

In the House of Representatives races, 12 districts went Republican while 4 went Democrat. The same distribution as before the election, with the districts staying with the same party.

As far as state legislative elections go, the Republicans cleaned house, winning 2/3rds of the state representative seats and claiming all but 2 of the 16 senate seats up for grabs

This is a perfect example of the effects of gerrymandering. The Presidential race shows the legislatures should have stayed Republican, but not by such a wide margin. The state is much more evenly split than is represented by the legislative bodies make up.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Polls Widen, Clinton Attempts to Rebound

Polls are obviously just polls, but their importance to how candidates campaign cannot be stressed enough. The Trump campaign has spent a lot of time in Ohio recently, and coincidentally, he has seen a bump in the polls in Ohio. Hillary, not so much, but she is pulling out all the stops now. From artist Jay-Z, to Reverend Jesse Jackson, to Hollywood star Mellie Grant, and President Obama; they are putting a vast amount of their resources into Ohio at the moment. The Trump campaign has one of his sons there currently, and his schedule has openings, but it is unclear how much time he will spend there through Tuesday to combat the Clinton Campaigns efforts to reclaim Ohio.

Ohio may be leaning Trump, but this fall has been a very close back and forth. Really, at this point, it is looking like every day, every event, and every bit of news on both of the candidates could send the votes one way or the other. 

Meanwhile, the Republicans still have the senate race locked up, like they have since mid July.


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Ohio State Overview